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Integrated Management System

Generali Osiguranje Srbija a.d.o. operates within an integrated management system whose field of application refers to the processes of development, contracting and sale of all types of life and non-life insurance, as well as claims handling and settlement activities that are harmonized and certified according to the requirements of the following standards:

  • ISO 9001:2015 - quality management system (since 2009) - an internationally recognized standard that provides a logical approach to managing business activities through process optimization, rational use of available resources, improvement of profits, productivity, and competitiveness of the company, which ultimately leads to increased customer satisfaction.
  • ISO 27001:2022 - information security management (since 2012) - we can boast that we are the first insurance company in Serbia that has certified its system according to the requirements of this standard, which enables us to have good performance and system protection in the field of information security, compliance with legal regulations, which reduces the risk of information loss and increases our reputation and trust among employees, clients and business partners, which leads us to a better position on the market.
  • ISO 14001:2015 – environmental management system (since 2016) - the implementation of this standard ensures that all negative impacts on the environment are identified, monitored, and harmonized with legal regulations, which proves that we operate in an environmentally responsible manner.
  • ISO 45001:2018 - occupational health and safety management system (since 2016) - meeting the requirements of this standard allows us to improve and maintain the level of safety of our employees and prevent injuries at work through preventive and protective measures, which leads to the elimination of potential hazards and safe working environment.
  • ISO 10002:2018 - Customer satisfaction (since 2016) - the implementation of these guidelines enables us to better manage and control the processes related to the resolution of complaints, which leads to an increase in the efficiency and effectiveness of the process itself, as well as to an increase in user satisfaction and the reputation of our company.
  • ISO 22301:2019 - business continuity management system (since 2017) - the standard, among other things, serves us first to reduce the risk of unwanted and unforeseen situations, and then to reduce the negative impact on business caused by such circumstances, which allows us to overcome the crisis period more easily and to go through it with minimal or no business losses.
  • ISO 50001:2018 - energy management system (since 2018) - the requirements of the standard allow us to rationally manage energy and establish an energy saving program, with which we achieve better energy efficiency, less impact on the environment and competitive business.